28 Mar
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From the Energy Market Regulatory Authority:
THURSDAY, March 2, 2023
ARTICLE 1- The phrase “with the eighth paragraph of article 30” following the phrase “for the production facility site” in the fifteenth paragraph of article 7 of the Regulation on Unlicensed Electricity Production in the Electricity Market published in the Official Gazette dated 12/5/2019 and numbered 30772 has been added.
ARTICLE 2- In the first paragraph of Article 17 of the same Regulation, the phrase “Projects subject to Annex-1 List of the Environmental Impact Assessment Regulation and projects for which the decision of 'EIA Required' has been given” means “Environmental Impact published in the Official Gazette dated 29/7/2022 and numbered 31907. Obtaining the document within the scope of the Regulation on Environmental Impact Assessment”, the phrase “For projects subject to the Annex-1 List of the Environmental Impact Assessment Regulation and for projects for which the decision of 'EIA is Required' has been given” was changed as “within the scope of the Environmental Impact Assessment Regulation” in subparagraph (c) of the second paragraph.
ARTICLE 3- The following sentence has been added to the end of the first paragraph of Article 19 of the same Regulation.
“A single acceptance can be made in unlicensed production facilities, excluding the power increase operations carried out within the scope of the sixth paragraph of Article 17.”
ARTICLE 4- The following paragraph has been added to the same article with the following sentence at the end of the seventh paragraph of Article 30 of the same Regulation.
“A single acceptance can be made in unlicensed production facilities, excluding the power increase operations carried out within the scope of the sixth paragraph of Article 17.”
“(8) If an unlicensed electricity generation facility is established to be located at the same facility site as the licensed generation facilities and to be connected from the same measurement point; Connection and system usage agreements for the relevant production facilities must be zero on the exchange side. In case of any energy flow to the grid from the generation facilities within the scope of this paragraph, the said energy shall not be subject to any settlement and set-off within the scope of the relevant legislation, and the energy supplied to the system shall be considered as a free contribution to YEKDEM.
ARTICLE 5- The second paragraph of the temporary article 7 of the same Regulation has been amended as follows.
“(2) Settlement transactions for the production facilities to be within the borders of different assigned supplier companies shall be applied as of 1/7/2023. In the event that energy is supplied to the grid by the generation facilities in operation within the scope of this paragraph, the energy supplied to the grid is deemed to have been produced by the incumbent supply company and given to the system, and no payment is made by the market operator and the assigned supply company for this energy. In this context, the energy supplied to the system is considered as a free contribution to YEKDEM and the system usage fee for the amount of energy considered as a free contribution to YEKDEM is notified to EPİAŞ by the relevant network operators. No invoice is served to the owners of unlicensed generation facilities for the energy paid to the relevant network operator through the incumbent supply company and considered as a free contribution to YEKDEM.”
ARTICLE 6- The following provisional article has been added to the same Regulation.
“Installed power reduction operations
PROVISIONAL ARTICLE 8- (1) If an application is made within 60 days from the effective date of this article by persons whose production facility has not yet been accepted and whose clearing transactions will be carried out within the scope of Article 26, for once, the board of directors stated in the call letter for the connection agreement and the connection agreement is made. It is possible to deduct more than ten percent from the power.”
ARTICLE 7- This Regulation enters into force on the date of its publication.
ARTICLE 8- The provisions of this Regulation are executed by the President of the Energy Market Regulatory Authority.
1 Comment(s)
But solar lamps will prove to be a much better investment in the long run, both in terms of performance and maintenance. Its performance will continue for many years and it needs little or no maintenance. It is very important to keep solar lamps clean and free of dust.
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