Procedures and Principles Regarding Led Lighting Measurements
19 Dec
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September 2022
Initial Provisions
ARTICLE 1- (1) The purpose of these Procedures and Principles is to determine the criteria for the measurements to be made in order to report the efficiency and performance of the lighting network to be installed using LED luminaires.
ARTICLE 2- (1) New detached lighting using TEDAŞ Galvanized Steel Polygonal Type Lighting Poles and TEDAŞ Galvanized Steel Polygon Type Lighting Poles in boulevards, avenues, streets and intersections for public use, excluding highways and highways with customized access control in residential areas. The underground cable facilities to which the subscription will be made are within the scope of these procedures and principles.
(2) Lighting facilities where high-pressure sodium vapor lamp (YBSBL) luminaires are used, overhead line facilities and lighting facilities to be built on walking/bike paths are not within the scope of these procedures and principles.
ARTICLE 3- (1) These Procedures and Principles have been prepared based on the Procedures and Principles Regarding the Use of LED Luminaires within the Scope of General Lighting published by the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources on 31/1/2020.
Definitions and abbreviations
ARTICLE 4- (1) In these Procedures and Principles;
a) Lighting facility: The facility containing poles, fixtures and other equipment starting from the measurement and control circuit of the lighting (including the meter),
b) Longitudinal Smoothness: The ratio of the minimum luminance value to the maximum luminance value at the calculation points along the midline of each strip (its symbol is Ul and it is a unitless quantity),
c) Boulevard: A wide street in the residential area, with separate traffic directions,
ç) Street: The wide and long street in the settlement,
d) EDAŞ: Electricity distribution company,
e) Threshold Increase (Glare Limitation) (fTI): It is the percentage increase of the object contrast needed to keep the glare created by the luminaires at the threshold visibility level in a road lighting facility and has a unitless size,
f) Light Distribution Curve: The geometric location of the end points of the light intensities of the source in various directions on the plane passing through the point light source,
g) Highway: Land strip, bridges and areas open to public use for traffic,
ğ) Intersection: The common area formed by the intersection or merging of two or more highways,
h) Edge Illuminance Level Ratio (REI): The lowest of the values found as a result of the ratio of the average horizontal illuminance level on the longitudinal strip adjacent to and outside the road on both sides of the road to the average horizontal illuminance level on the longitudinal strip on the road side,
ı) Average Luminance: The average of the luminance levels at the points measured on the road surface along the vehicle road (symbol _L and unit is cd/m2),
i) Average Smoothness: The ratio of the minimum luminance value to the average luminance value at the calculation points determined on the road (its symbol is U0, it is a unitless quantity),
j) Highway (Access-controlled highway): A highway that is allocated for transit traffic, where entry and exit is prohibited except in certain places and conditions, where pedestrians, animals and non-motorized vehicles cannot enter, but where permitted motor vehicles are used and the traffic is subject to special control,
k) Street: A road with buildings lined up on one or both sides, reserved for pedestrians and/or vehicles, with a definite beginning and end,
l) TEDAŞ: Turkish Electricity Distribution Joint Stock Company,
m) Pedestrian crossing: The area designated by traffic signs on the vehicle road to ensure safe passage of pedestrians,
n) YBSBL: High pressure sodium vapor lamp,
o) Walking/cycling path: It refers to the paths allocated for the public to walk or cycle for the general use of the public, which are outside the definition of parks and gardens.
SECOND PART Determination of Facilities, Standards and Documents for Measurements Determination of the facilities where the measurements will be made ARTICLE 5- (1) Lighting measurements within the scope of the application will be made in at least 3 facilities with LED luminaires selected from the investments of electricity distribution companies in 2021 and 2022, whose project approvals and provisional acceptance have been made by the TEDAŞ Regional Directorate. (2) The lighting facilities where the measurements will be made will be determined by the distribution company in M1-M2-M3-M4-M5 road classes, with different brands as much as possible and in a way to include different locations in terms of operation and climate. After determining the lighting facilities where the measurements will be made, the list containing the information of the facilities (ANNEX-1) will be sent to the TEDAŞ Regional Directorate and TEDAŞ General Directorate by the electricity distribution company. The list in which the determined facilities are presented can be revised by electricity distribution companies, with the permission of TEDAŞ General Directorate, if needed. (3) The lighting facilities where the measurements will be made will be selected from underground cable facilities where fully LED luminaires and TEDAŞ Galvanized Steel Polygon Type Lighting Poles will be used, to which a new lighting subscription will be made. Standards and documents ARTICLE 6- (1) The measurements to be made in LED road lighting facilities and the tests to be applied to the samples will be carried out according to the following standards. (2) In case of a change in the standards, the standard that brings the change is valid, and if the applied standard is canceled or repealed, the new standard becomes valid.
Standard No Standard Name TSE CEN/TR 13201-1 Road Lighting Part 1: Selection of Lighting Classes TS EN 13201-2 Road Lighting Part 2: Performance characteristics TS EN 13201-3 Road Lighting Part 3: Calculation of performance TS EN 13201-4 Road Lighting Part 4: Lighting Performance Measurement Methods TS EN 13201-5 Road Lighting Part 5: Energy performance indicators IES LM 79 Electrical and Photometric Measurements of Solid-State Lighting Products
THIRD PART Application Criteria Application criteria ARTICLE 7- (1) For the lighting facilities where the measurements will be made, the project prepared in digital format by the relevant electricity distribution company by using the light distribution curves (.ldt) of the luminaires with high pressure sodium vapor lamp (YBSBL) used in the distribution region will be checked by the TEDAŞ Regional Directorate and found suitable. In the event of the first field measurements, ANNEX-2 tables will be prepared by the relevant electricity distribution company. The prepared tables will be signed by EDAŞ and TEDAŞ Regional Directorate and sent to the General Directorate of TEDAŞ by the relevant electricity distribution company, together with the exploratory summaries of the projects with LED and YBSBL fixtures. (2) Measurements required to be made with ANNEX-2.F regarding lighting will be made at all facilities determined by ANNEX-1 facility list. Field measurements will be made at at least 2 (if any) different points with different features in each facility application. (3) “Average Luminance” (Lort, cd/m2), “Average Smoothness” (Uo), “Longitudinal Smoothness” (Ul), “Threshold Increase (Glare Limitation)” (fTI) and “Edge Luminance” to be made in the field related to lighting Level Ratio (REI) measurements will be carried out by the relevant EDAŞ under the supervision of TEDAŞ Regional Directorate personnel in accordance with TS EN 13201 standards with ILMD (Image Luminance Measuring Device) measuring devices calibrated by the authorized institution. The manufacturer will be notified by EDAŞ so that the manufacturer can send observers to the field measurements, if he wishes. Measurements will be made even if the company representative is not present on the date determined for the measurement. Lighting measurements will be made according to TS EN 13201-3 and TS EN 13201-4 standards. (4) The first field measurements regarding the lighting will be made for all the facilities determined within 1 month at the latest after the temporary acceptance of the last completed facility from the lighting facilities determined for the measurements by the electricity distribution company and in accordance with the format in ANNEX-2 (Annex-2. E-CONSUMPTION (excluding MONTH-YEAR) will be reported. Second field measurements; It will be made within 12-14 months after the first field measurements and will be reported in the same format as the first field measurements. In case of occurrence of situations that will prevent the field measurements from being made in a healthy way, the measurements will be made at a future date determined by TEDAŞ Regional Directorate and EDAŞ officials. (5) Field measurements related to lighting will be made in the part where the distance between the poles is maximum to be selected over the approved LED luminaire project of the facility. (6) The first and second field measurements regarding the lighting will be made between the same poles for the same facility throughout the application. (7) Field measurements related to lighting will be made during the periods when the environmental lighting effects are minimal and in dry road conditions, trees, buildings, etc. for measurement. places where things do not interfere with the lighting will be selected. (8) Minutes regarding the lighting field measurements will be signed by the relevant electricity distribution company, TEDAŞ Regional Directorate representative, the manufacturer company representative in case of participation, and the authorities of the measuring institution if the measurement is made by a 3rd party organization. (9) The values taken at the beginning of every hour regarding the electrical consumption will be recorded monthly by the authorities of the electricity distribution company in accordance with the attached format (ANNEX-2.E-CONSUMPTION (MONTH-YEAR)) and after the 2nd field measurements, together with the measurement reports, they will be recorded collectively at TEDAŞ General Directorate. It will be sent to the Department. (10) Within the report containing the measurements of lighting and electrical consumption, at least; A sketch (ANNEX-2.B) showing the components of the lighting facility, including information on the lighting arrangement, lighting class, number of road lanes, pole number and median width, will be included. (11) Within the scope of this application; 1 sample randomly selected from each different LED luminaire (manufacturer-brand-model) that has a certificate of conformity to be used in the facilities determined by the electricity distribution company for lighting measurements, will be tested in accordance with the IES LM 79 standard in an accredited laboratory within the scope of acceptance tests. (12) After the second field measurements regarding the lighting, 1 sample will be taken from each different luminaire (manufacturer-brand-model) with a certificate of conformity and used in different locations within the scope of the application, and re-measurement tests will be carried out in an accredited laboratory by the distribution company in accordance with the IES LM 79 standard. . "Sample Information Minute" (Appendix 3) will be prepared for the selected sample and signed by EDAŞ and TEDAŞ Regional Directorate officials. Within the scope of the acceptance tests and after the second field measurements, the measurement test reports made according to the IES LM 79 standard will be submitted to the TEDAŞ General Directorate by the electricity distribution company together with the signed "Sample Information Report". (13) After the end of the second field measurements, the evaluation report to be submitted to the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources will be prepared by the General Directorate of TEDAŞ, using the data obtained regarding the implementation. (14) According to the result of the evaluation report created after the second field measurements, if deemed necessary, third field measurements may be made according to these Implementation Principles.
CHAPTER FOUR Miscellaneous and Final Provisions force ARTICLE 8- (1) These Procedures and Principles enter into force with the approval of TEDAŞ Board of Directors. executive ARTICLE 9- (1) The provisions of these Procedures and Principles are executed by the General Manager of TEDAŞ.
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