28 Apr
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Lighting Considerations for Warehouses
Warehouses are often large spaces with high shelves, windows, and a lot of material. They are especially equipped with high shelves, because they are made to place more materials in the warehouse and to establish an order. It is very important in terms of separating the materials according to their important elements such as product code, serial number, expiry date and finding the desired material easily.
In addition, trucks, forklifts, pallet trucks, etc. are used in warehouses to increase efficiency, to transport and stock materials. in equipment such as That's why proper lighting is an important element for warehouses. Employees must see the material clearly, read the label correctly and remove the desired material from the warehouse. There are forklifts and pallets carrying heavy loads in the aisles, and when a constant crowd of people is added, the aisles are the most crowded and busiest places in the warehouse. Corridors are long and narrow throughout the warehouses, so it is very important to ensure the safety of the warehouses and proper lighting for the warehouse shelves.
Importance of Warehouse Corridor Lighting
-Energy Saving
Warehouses in factories work all day under intense tempo, sometimes even more intense in factories that work on a 24-hour basis. Overtime increases the risk of fixtures failing, which ultimately means higher maintenance costs. A cost-effective and energy-efficient lighting system results in a reduction in both the electricity bill and maintenance costs.
-Preventing Accidents
Warehouses contain a lot of heavy equipment and they work in aisles to move goods. Operators must be in control of everything so that they do not harm other co-workers and property. Hallway lighting is very important for operators to work with clear viewing angles.
Good lighting and a comfortable working environment prevent employees from sleeping and reduce their feeling of tiredness, which means more concentrated work. Glare and darkness reduce productivity. Adequate lighting helps the product to be seen clearly, quickly and accurately selected and removed from the warehouse.
-For Employee Health
Glare can damage human eyesight and cause visual fatigue. Glare can cause anxiety, loss of concentration, etc. cause such inconveniences. It can also cause insomnia and headaches. However, if comfortable and quality lighting is provided for human health, employees will get rid of all these negativities and continue their work in a more efficient and healthy way.
1 Comment(s)
Glare from LED fixtures will create a bad driving environment for drivers and motorists will feel uncomfortable and nervous due to visual noise.
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